
to promote and celebrate Chinese Culture in Utah

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2018犹他春晚组委会 UTCNYCC 社团组成


The Utah Chinese New Year Celebration Committee (UTCNYCC) consists of a volunteer group of community members from more than a dozen local Chinese organizations for one common cause to promote and celebrate Chinese Culture in Utah. It is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit making committee under The Cast-UT (Chinese Association for Science and Technology, Utah Chapter), a 501(c )(3) status organization.

The Committee provides a wide range of services to meet the needs of the Chinese community in Utah and promote mutual understanding between Americans of Chinese background and other Americans. UTCNYCC also works to ensure access by members of the Chinese community to rights and services enjoyed by the general community.

One of the committee’s missions is to plan, coordinate, and manage the biggest event of the year - the "Chinese New Year Celebration Cultural Performance.” In addition, the committee also organizes the Chinese Traditional May 5th Festival, Moon Festival, July 24th Parade, and other performance activities throughout the year.

参与团体 Participating Organizations

China Town Culture Center 中国城文化中心
Chinese Association for Science and Technology in Utah 中國旅美科技協會猶他分會
Chinese Performing Arts 華藝學苑
Chinese Seniors United Association of Utah 猶他華人耆英聯協會
Chinese Student Association, Brigham Young Univ 楊佰翰大學中國學生會
Chinese Student Association, Weber State Univ 韋伯州立大學中國學生會
Chinese Student and Scholar Association, Univ of Utah 猶他大學中國學生學者聯誼會
Chinese Student and Scholar Association, Utah State Univ 猶他州立大學中國學生學者聯誼會
Chinese Student and Scholar Association, Utah Valley Univ 猶他谷大學中國學生學者聯誼會
Confucius Institute at the University of Utah 猶他大學孔子學院
Eastern Trends Chinese Community Service Association 猶他華人社區服務中心
Oriental Chinese School 東方中文學校
Salt Lake Bing Kong Tong 秉公堂
Salt Lake Chinese Choir 鹽湖華人合唱團
United Chinese Association of Utah 猶他州華人聯合會
Utah Chinese Folk Orchestra 猶他華人民樂團
Utah Indochina Chinese Benevolence Society 越棉寮華人相濟會
Utah Chinese Civic Center 盐湖城华助中心
Utah Organization of Chinese Americans 美華協會猶他分會

媒体合作单位 Media Partner

Eastern Trends Newspaper by Mountain Media Group 基石文化传媒集团東方報

主要赞助单位 2018 Major Sponsors

铂金级赞助商钛金级赞助商 First Utah Bank



展览合作伙伴 2018 Exhibition Partner

媒体合作伙伴 2018 Media Partner